Complimentary Call Engagement Agreement
As part of your Customised Will, you have the option to arrange one (1) complimentary legal advice call with a specialist lawyer to discuss your estate planning (Complimentary Call). The Complimentary Call must be booked within 12 months of purchasing the Customised Will.
The Complimentary Call is currently provided by a legal professional from the law firm Safewill Legal Pty Ltd ACN 648 090 297 (the Law Firm). If you elect to proceed with the Complimentary Call, a lawyer client relationship will arise between you and the law firm, governed by law and the terms of this Engagement Agreement.
The Complimentary Call includes the following scope:
- One (1) telephone conference (Initial Call) at a time selected by you (within business hours and at the availability of the Law Firm) with a solicitor employed by the Law Firm (the Solicitor), for a maximum duration of 30 minutes;
- Legal Advice from the Solicitor about the information submitted by you to the Safewill Platform (the Will Submission) as part of writing your Will with Safewill;
- Recommended drafting of amendments to the Will Submission to enable the Will to be finalised in accordance with your instructions to the Solicitor, excluding the creation of any complex trust structures including a main residence trust or testamentary trust which will be quoted as an extra service.
The Complimentary Call does not include the following scope:
- Additional telephone conferences, emails or communication beyond the Initial Call
- Review of any documents beyond your Will Submission
- Any form of written advice
- Any legal advice beyond the area of wills and estate planning law (including family law, commercial law, criminal law or other specialisations)